

My name is Colleen Rose. I’m an artist, a teacher, and a blogger.

My paintings focus on our profound connection with nature, its energy and restorative qualities.

When I’m not teaching, I use my time to explore the North Shore of Lake Superior. I’ve based several of my paintings on pictures I’ve taken in Rossport and Marathon as well as Red Rock and Nipigon. The coastline provides countless opportunities for new perspectives and with our ever-changing weather conditions, the characteristics of nature’s temperaments allow me to capture its dynamic qualities on canvas.

I’ve always taken comfort from Nature. She is the original mother, and an extension of ourselves. When a good storm hits, we feel she understands us to our core. Her fury soothes our troubled souls and we feel seen. When the winds calm down, we take a breath (or two or three), we relax and remind ourselves that it’s ok to rest. To exist and enjoy moments without chaos.

If you treasure these connections like I do, I invite you to enjoy my posts here. You are also welcome to browse through my Instagram feed and visit my website.